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A member registered Sep 28, 2019

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sure please let me know too! Much appreciated

Windows 7 only support upto directx 10 so you may have put it on directx 11 or something that's why sprites aren't rendering can you please change that for us?

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Windows 7 still works great for any indie games I've ever played, and for anything else almost

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I've got the same error and nopee I actually downloaded it perfectly 

I wonder if this is a issue because I have windows 7 yes I have a very bad laptop so I'm stuck on that crap unfortunately 

Anyways game ran smoothly though besides the couple sprite issue

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same issue here!

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as you can see, instead of characters these black boxes appear, i am on windows 7 if that helps. and no its impossible for me to upgrade as my laptop is very weak but yes game runs smoothly besides those boxes  that replace the characters and assets or whatever is not loading 
this seems to be a bad bug.

 "؟мι∂ηιgнтвℓα∂є#3452" is my discord if you'd like to contact me on this issue :)) unfortunately posting an image is giving me an error so please hit me up on discord about this issue

thanks i'll try it out! 

A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
#  EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x0000000000000000, pid=7780, tid=7784

this is the error thats generated when i try to play the game please do reply to this i really wanna play this game. it just doesnt run.

hey whenever i try to run the game this document file is created i thought this game would be released for free on steam so i waited alot for it but when it didnt i tried to download it here sadly it doesnt run it closes itself..i couldnt find a email or anything to contact you on so i have to copy paste here 
this is the error.. please look into it :)
its some java runtime error but i cannot post it here since its too big i wanna play this game so bad can you gmail me or something? is my address thanks